The Women with Integrity group was founded and formed upon a dream, with a vision that women come together, form friendships, thrive on each other's strengths, and move forward to improve ourselves and help others, making our cyber world a much happier place.
As a group, we have the power to overcome all barriers by building confidence through the support of others.
We have the ability to thrive and rise to the top.
We aim to better ourselves and live each day as though it were our last.
We always strive to leave footprints on the hearts of those we touch, leaving happy memories behind.
Our actions will always be backed by love and we always treat others as we would want to be treated ourselves.
We will not discriminate.
We will reach out and help each other, particularly those less fortunate than we are.
This may be done through a smile, a kind word, a gentle touch, a listening ear, or a shoulder to cry on.
We are women with caring hearts and are bound by our creed of Sisterly love towards all women whom we meet in our daily travels in our cyber world.
We would love to have you as our member.
- We do hope you enjoyed your visit,
- as we enjoyed having you, please visit us again soon.
Whilst visiting would you be kind enough
to sign our guestbook!!