10 Year Membership Awards
presented by
Women with Integrity



These are our 10 Year Membership Awards and
we thank you
for your participation, co-operation,
 your loyalty and most of all,
for being part of WWI.
Throughout these years there have been
many changes, and through it all
You, dear Members assisted one another
through the difficult times and sorrows and
lightened each others burdens.
Ladies  you are what made it all worthwhile.
Our most sincere thanks go to you.
Congratulations on your
10 Year Membership Awards.
From all of us here
Women With Integrity
Icemaid  & Anne



©Web Mistress Icemaid  
© Poetry: Author Francine-Retains all Rights

©Graphics: ©Albert Smirnov
Original artwork remains the property of Albert Smirnov