Sometimes when the road gets rough, 
Just close your eyes and dream, 
of where this journey is taking you 
and the joys & happiness it will bring.



Many thanks go
To our Judges
On behalf of our WWI Staff  &  myself
we wish to thank our Judges who gave of their time

so generously and had a hard task making their decision.

I wish to thank you all for being so generous with your time
and with your permissions.
Thank you ever so much  Nadia.


Thank you



Graphics Banner Competition

The winners are as follows


First Place

Edith Mists
Laura  Creations
Elly Stats & Scraps

Second Place

Louise Creations
Marianne Stats & Scraps
Lavada Mists

Honourable Mentions

Carolyn Creations
Ada Stats & Scraps
Joana Mists

To all Participants
of the
Banner Graphics Competition

On behalf of Women with Integrity
We would like to thank all
our participants and we congratulate
you on your endeavours.

We believe those of you who took
in the competition are all winners, 

Our most sincere thanks go to all of you:
We would like to present you with your Participation



As we all know there can be only one winner in each section and
one Runner Up
so thanks to our judges we have the winners in each section
The judges had a hard time ladies, so its hats of to you all.


On behalf of our WWI Staff  &  myself
we wish to thank all the Members who so graciously
and unselfishly took part in the Graphics Banner Competition
it is members such as yourselves that make
 it all  worthwhile.
To our Judges who have had a difficult task  many thanks
is extended to you this day.
To all our participating  Members in this competition
 Many thanks.
Special acknowledgments go to Janice, Anne,  Caz,  & Louise
Thank you for your assistance.


©Graphics by ©Moonbeam1212
Web Design: Icemaid
Tags / Stats Created by Members of Creations
Original artwork remains the copyrighted property of ©Moonbeam1212