when the road gets rough,
Just close your eyes and dream,
of where this journey is taking you
and the joys & happiness it brings.
Prizes in each section is as follows
- First Place is a Eric Shepherd Print.
- The runners up in each section will all
- Three Tubes of choice from CDO.
- We are so lucky to have such wonderful art
from Eric to work with-
- and our creators with awesome
talents – thanks go out to all for your participation.
- From past years’ experience I know
that on the following pages you will see
- some beautiful work from winners,
runners up indeed every participant in every category.
Good Luck Ladies
NO 15
NO 16
NO 17
Our most sincere thanks go out to Eric
Judge who had a
difficult task,
many thanks
is extended to
you this day.
- Ladies thank you
- for your wonderful creativity and for taking part in this
- Once Again Congratulations to the winners & participants
- from us all here at WWI
Thank you for
Eric for your generosity and kindness
bestowed on us all
©Original artwork remains