Seek the gifts that are within your heart,
Hands that reach across our oceans and lands,
Peace, hope, tranquillity gently will start.
Bringing Peace, Understanding and Happiness to all.


To all Participants
of the
Nene Thomas
Graphics Competition

On behalf of Women with Integrity
We would like to thank all
our participants and we congratulate
you on your endeavors.

We believe those of you who took
in the competition
are all winners, 

Our most sincere thanks go to all of you:

We would like to present you with your Participation

Congratulations one and all:
Many thanks go out to our judges, without whom
this would be an impossible task,
Many thanks,
Nadia, Jeanne, Anne
We would like to take this opportunity
to wish you & yours
the blessings of the Christmas Season:
May the New Year bring you
Health, Wealth
with Happiness  & Blessings
thrown in for good measure


To our Winners and all Participants
Congratulations One and all, it is with Members
such as
yourself, that make it all  worthwhile.


©Graphics by ©Nene Thomas

Thank you for Nene for your generosity and kindness bestowed on us all
Web Design: Icemaid
Tags / Stats Created by Members
Original artwork remains the copyrighted property of