Welcome to Nadia's
The Winners Pages

Dear Nadia,
On behalf of Women with Integrity
we would like to thank you for your
generosity in allowing us usage of your wonderful
Art, it is with Artists like yourself that make
working with Graphics such a pleasure:

Our most sincere thanks Nadia:

We would like to present you with your Award
for the kindness you have shown us all:


Thank you Nadia.

We really appreciate you, Nadia,
for your helpful, giving ways,
And how your generous heart
Your unselfishness displays.

We thank you for your kindness,
We will not soon forget;
You’re one of the nicest people
We have ever met.

With your wings and your halo half-hidden,
On us have descended with glory unbidden,
Showing us kindness beyond belief
Thank you Nadia, for all you have given

Your Art and Heart shines through it all
How can such kindness be repaid at all



To all our Winners and Participants
Congratulations One and all

©Web Mistress Icemaid for Women With Integrity
Nadezhda Strelkina
Do Not Remove these graphics
Nadezhda Strelkina Retains all Copyright
Many thanks for permission to use your wonderful Artwork
©Miha Dovzan Midi "Vecerni Zvon"

Best viewed Monitor Screen 1024x768 resolution