He watches now from
Upon a special cloud
With very special angels
His friends in life avowed

The Rose Beyond the Wall
A rose once grew where all could see,
Sheltered beside a garden wall,
And, as the days passed swiftly by,
It spread its branches, straight and tall ...
One day, a beam of light shone through
A crevice that had opened wide ~
The rose bent gently toward its warmth
Then passed beyond to the other side ...
Now, you who deeply feel its loss,
Be comforted ~ the rose blooms there ~
Its beauty even greater now,
Nurtured by God's own loving care.
Author ~ Unknown

Hugs From
When you feel a gentle breeze
Caress you when you sigh
It's a hug sent from Heaven
From a loved one way up high.
If a soft and tender raindrop
Lands upon your nose
They've added a small kiss
As fragile as a rose.
If a song you hear fills you
With a feeling of sweet love
It's a hug sent from Heaven
From someone special up above.
If you awaken in the morning
To a bluebird's chirping song
It's music sent from Heaven
To cheer you all day long.
If tiny little snowflakes
Land upon your face
It's a hug sent from Heaven
Trimmed with Angel lace.
So keep the joy in your heart
If you're lonely my dear friend
Hugs that are sent from Heaven
A broken heart will mend.
sent in
Jan Mod

Miha Dovzan - Midi - Vecerni Zvon
Used with Permission
Poetry ©Francine Used with Permission
Graphic : ©Greg Olsen
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